Keep our County clean & beautiful.
“Keeping our communities clean will make our County a healthier place to live and raise our children, improve our curb appeal, increase our property values, help attract new jobs … and improve the quality of life for all of our 900,000 residents.” – County Executive Angela Alsobrooks
About the Campaign
LITTER IS SAD. Litter in Prince George’s County lowers property values, pollutes our waterways, and tells the world we don’t care. The campaign creates awareness around littering issues, as well as motivates everyone to keep a clean, litter-free environment.
The Better Bag Bill
As of January 1, 2024, Prince George’s County prohibits all retail establishments from providing plastic carryout bags to shoppers and, with certain exceptions*, shall charge at least 10 cents for each paper carryout or reusable bag provided to a customer. To assist residents in making the transition, the County will provide a limited amount of free reusable bags and will announce distribution dates and locations once finalized.
Our Programs
Litter Reduction Efforts
This program establishes partnerships with individuals, non-profits, and municipalities and develops programs that will increase the tonnage of litter captured, removed and prevented in communities and waterways in Prince George’s County.
Recycling and Trash Collection
Through our waste management programs, we are are fulfilling our goals of protecting our natural resources while promoting a better quality of life for our community. Learn more about the program.
Tree Planting and Gardening
With your help, the Department of the Environment planted close to 850 native trees last year. Everyone knows that trees grace us with their beauty, but trees also enhance our lives in very practical ways.
Air and Water Quality
In Prince George’s County, the two most important pollutants that threaten human health are ground-level ozone and particle pollution. Learn how you can help clean up the County’s air and water.
Take the Pledge
Beautifying our County requires support and action from all of us. We challenge you to partner with the campaign and pledge to make an effort to practice at least one positive behavior that will make our County clean and green.
Get Involved
From neighborhood and community cleanup programs to litter reduction efforts, we appreciate all of our volunteers and partners who work every day to make our County a beautiful place to live. Find out how you can help!