The Resource Recovery Master Plan (RRMP)
The Prince George’s County Department of the Environment (DoE) has released its draft Resource Recovery Master Plan (RRMP) for public review and written comment to help plan the long-term strategy for the County-managed waste and recycling streams.
The RRMP is the continuation of the planning process begun by Prince George’s County in April 2018 when the County published its Zero Waste Initiatives Plan. Specifically, the RRMP outlines policies, programs, and services that can reduce the quantity of waste generated, and/or divert waste away from landfill disposal toward reuse, recycling, and composting opportunities. These opportunities are identified in the Plan.
The Goals of this RRMP are:
Increase Recycling Value and Volume
Increase Food Waste Diversion
Increase Reuse of Divertable Materials
Increase Source Reduction
Efficiently and Effectively Manage Waste Disposal
For more information, call 301-883-5952.