New curbside composting program launches in Prince George's County
Oct 3, 2022 Andrea Crooms shows how Prince George's County residents can participate in the curbside composting program. Sponsor: Prince George's Department of the Environment.
How to Compost in Prince George’s County
There are a variety of materials that can be composted in Prince George's County, including yard trim, leaves, grass and brush, and food. For more information, including a full list of acceptable items and acceptable compostable liners, FAQ, and other resources, visit http://mypgc.us/compost.
Organic Compost Facility Tour
Join us as Steve gives us a tour of Prince George’s County Organics Facility in Upper Marlboro, MD as we try to answer the question “Thereis too much trash, what can we do?” See how your yard waste and food scraps become LeafGro (a soil amendment that makes your soil more nutrient-rich).
How to Compost Workshop
To view or download a copy of the How-To guide, FAQ, Acceptable Compostable Liners, and other information, visit our website at http://mypgc.us/compost. Thank you for your support and participation in the expansion of the Prince George's County composting program!