Help protect our waterways and wildlife by keeping our roads clean.
Adopt a Road or Median
Want to help keep the environment in your community clean and neat? The Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) Adopt-A-Road/Median Program can be your ticket to participation in a cleaner, neater community, either where you live or where you work.
How Do We Start?
To adopt a road, contact the DPW&T's Office of Highway Maintenance at 301-499-8531. An information packet will be sent to you outlining the requirements and procedures for officially adopting the County road of your choice.
What is the Adopt-A-Road Program?
How often do we clean our adopted roadway?
How much does it cost to join?
Storm Drain Stenciling Program
Storm drain stenciling is a great way to spread the word throughout your community to take action to prevent water pollution and maintain a clean environment. You, your neighbors, and your entire community can help prevent water pollution by stenciling/inlet marking the storm drains in your neighborhood with the "Don't Dump - Chesapeake Bay Drainage" Department of the Environment (DoE) program. Stenciling serves as a visual reminder to your neighbors that anything dumped in the storm drain contaminates the Chesapeake Bay. The county will help you design a storm drain stenciling/inlet marking project that can be accomplished with any size team or age group.
To begin planning your project, call DoE at 301-883-5829.