Pitch in at one of our neighborhood cleanups, or plan your own!
Volunteer Neighborhood Cleanup Program
The Volunteer Neighborhood Cleanup Program is a community-sponsored volunteer program that enables the Department of the Environment (DoE) to partner with civic and homeowner associations, local businesses, and non-profit organizations to clean communities and waterways. The Sustainable Initiatives Division provides each interested community with technical assistance and materials such as trash bags, gloves, and may also include roll off containers depending on availability.
Are you interested in starting a cleanup? Call 301-883-8834.
Comprehensive Community Cleanup Program
The program is designed to revitalize, enhance and help maintain unincorporated areas of the County. DoE works with organized civic and homeowners’ associations to provide a concentrated focus of County cleanup and maintenance services to their community over a 2-week period. This program, which was originally established in 1986, currently provides 21 cleanup phases annually. To schedule a cleanup, your community must have a minimum of 500 single-family homes or townhomes, but not more than 1,000.
The Comprehensive Community Cleanup page provides additional details about the program.