Beautify and Comply
The Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement (DPIE) urges citizens to address potential property code violations by removing debris, untagged vehicles, old appliances and furniture, cutting grass and weeds, and more. Learn more and view residential home requirements.
Dilapidated Shopping Carts
Operation Business Compliance (OBC) is focusing on enforcement at strip malls. Owners and management companies of shopping centers are responsible for keeping the properties up to County code and ensuring that tenants comply with regulations, including trash removal, adequate lighting, parking signs and marking, removing debris like old shopping carts, and building maintenance. Learn more.
No Landscape Litter
Regardless of your property type, the following litter violates the Prince George’s County Code:
Old construction materials
Open storage, trash, and debris
Broken furniture and appliances
Abandoned and junk vehicles and parts
Stash Your Trash
Prince George’s County has lots of ways to remove or dispose of trash and litter. Take a look at our chart to learn how!
Ugly Sign Litter
Posting unpermitted roadside signs is a violation of Prince George’s County Code. Violators face a fine of up to $1,000 per location. Learn more.
Sign Permits
Prince George's County’s Sign Ordinance regulates the placement of signs on private properties in Prince George’s County, with the exception of the City of Laurel. The Ordinance governs the size and location of signs through the issuance of sign permits and monitoring through inspections of on-site locations. To schedule an inspection with the Enforcement Division, call 301-883-6168.
Freestanding, Ground-Mounted Signs require:
Site/plot plans
3 structural drawings
3 sign applications showing sign dimensions and a valid use and occupancy permit number
Building Mounted Signs require:
Property account number
3 structural drawings
3 sign applications showing sign dimensions and a valid use and occupancy permit number
Property Maintenance Code Enforcement
Inspections are conducted as part of an overall and ongoing departmental "cleanup" strategy in communities or in response to complaints. Should violations be identified during an inspection, the Code Official (inspector) issues a Notice of Violation (NOV) and/or a Civil Citation to the owner or responsible person for the property. The NOV or citation references the violation(s) of the County Code and the length of time allotted to address the violation(s). A follow-up inspection is conducted after the allotted time to ensure compliance. If the violation(s) has not been addressed at the time of re-inspection of the property, appropriate action will be taken. To file a complaint or report a violation please include the address of the property in question and a brief description of the complaint or suspected violation. To file a complaint, call 3-1-1.
Related Documents
Abutters Ordinance Regarding Snow Removal (PDF)
Anti-Litter and Weed Ordinance (PDF)
Within the county there are 27 municipalities and permitting and inspection responsibilities within them are defined in the attached charts.
Combined Inspections and Permit Chart (PDF)
Municipal Inspections and Enforcement (PDF)
DPIE Plan Review and Inspections Permit Responsibilities in Municipalities (PDF)
To determine if your project is within one of these municipalities, please visit the Atlas website; click on "Map Layers" (the second icon on the right). View the list of choices, then click on the drop-down menu by "Administrative" Layer and click on the "Municipal Boundary" layer.