Our curbside composting program diverts a lot of useful materials from our landfill. These natural materials, like food scraps, yard trim, paper and cardboard, and more are used to create an organic soil supplement.
Compostable Food and Paper Materials:
Fruits and vegetables—any kind, they don’t need to be organic!
Dairy products (milk, butter, cheese, etc.)
Bread, pasta, grains (no raw dough)
Seafood (including shellfish)
Eggs and egg shells
Paper towels and paper napkins used in your kitchen
Coffee grounds and paper coffee filters
Uncoated, non-waxy compostable paper plates
Newspaper, including food-soiled newspaper
Tea bags and loose tea
Meat, including bones
Pizza boxes—clean or greasy
Compostable Yard Trim Materials:
Loose and bagged grass (paper bags only)
Loose and bagged leaves (paper bags only)
Garden plant clippings
Green woody waste
Tree limbs and brush (tree limbs must be tied in bundles and placed next to the wheeled green cart at the curb)
Used or old straw and hay
What Can't I Compost?
Composting unacceptable materials can cause real issues at our facility–if you aren’t sure if something is compostable, contact PGC311!
Leftover cooking grease, fats, and oil
Pet waste, including cat litter
Plastic bags, wrappers, chip bags, or film
Styrofoam containers
Plastic containers, jugs, and bottles
Aluminum or steel cans, utensils, and pans
Aluminum foil and disposable aluminum pans
Facial or toilet tissue
Oil or paint
Household trash/litter
Kitchen pots or pans
Foil-backed or plastic- backed paper
Ceramic or plastic dishes
Rubble/construction trash
Glass of any kind
Treated lumber