These programs establish partnerships with individuals, non-profits, and municipalities and programs that increase the tonnage of litter captured, removed, and prevented in communities and waterways in Prince George’s County.
Litter & Mowing Blitz
The Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) has been quadrupling litter collection, mowing, edging, and street sweeping.
We increased litter and debris removal from weekly to twice a week in all nine county council districts. In addition, DPW&T crews and contractors conducted a litter-blitz of primary collector roadways throughout the County. We conducted street sweeping, guardrail maintenance, litter pick-up, and mowing on heavily littered County roadways as well.
In all, DPW&T encourages residents to not litter in the first place, and to report all litter and illegal dumping to PGC311.com.
Source Reduction Projects
These projects, such as the installation of trash and recycling receptacles and marketing to support a new anti-litter campaign, are intended to reduce litter.
Residents, businesses, civic organizations and academic institutions can help reduce litter in and around County streams, rivers and other local waterways. Adopt-a-Stream groups can also survey their stream section and notify DoE of pollution and illegal dumping. View the Prince George's County Adopt-A-Steam Map.
Volunteer Cleanup Programs
Offers the Comprehensive Community Cleanup, Volunteer Community Cleanup and Storm Drain Stenciling programs to homeowners (HOAs) and civic associations, municipalities, schools and other entities.
A smartphone application that can be used by community groups and individual citizens to report their efforts to reduce litter in their communities. For more information or to get involved in the fight for a Litter Free Prince George’s County, please contact Tiaa Rutherford, Litter Reduction Program Manager, at litterreduction@co.pg.md.us.