Campaign Overview
The anti-litter campaign uses personification to engage a diverse audience. Discarded litter and illegally dumped bulky trash are the featured characters. Imagine if litter could talk, what would they think of human behavior? Based on best practices, the campaign seeks to change the seven behaviors listed below. These behaviors are ordered from easiest to the most involved.
Pick up litter
Always put trash in a trash receptacle
Plant trees and gardens
Use reusable bags
Participate in community cleanups
Changing Behaviors Through Multiple Channels
The campaign is designed to change behavior for two types of residents and visitors of the County:
“Rubbish Rebels” who need to understand the consequences of their actions.
Engaged citizens who care about the environment but need more reinforcements and education.
The messaging utilizes both “carrots and sticks” to address these two segments. Additionally, research showed that pride is a motivator for members of the community. The campaign uses the “Part of it. Proud of it.” logo to tie the campaign together across multiple channels and partners. Prince George’s County is targeted using GIS data of litter hot spots. The cross-platform strategies include:
“On the Go”
Reach commuters and pass-through drivers (Spotify • Waze • Highway Billboards • DC Metro • Bus Wraps, Shelters, Benches • Big Belly Signage • Roadway Signage)
“At Home”
Reach residents in their homes and communities (TV: Traditional & Streaming • Social Media • Digital Banner & Video Ads • Local Newspapers/ Publications)
“At Attractions”
Reach residents and tourists as they visit highly trafficked County attractions and destinations (Movie Theatres • The Mall at Prince George’s)
“Youth/Gen Z”
Reach youth on their digital devices (Social Media • YouTube • Spotify)
All tactics drive traffic to this website.
Phases of the Campaign
The first phase of the Initiative focuses on awareness and getting the message out to the broadest audience possible using various mediums. The launch is purposefully broad to encourage all citizens to serve as role models and to help moderate good behavior.
The next phase of messaging targets the “rubbish rebels,” using community mobilization tactics like the Clean Cadets program to reach them. In addition, we will use community partners to post targeted messages in community centers. The messages will focus on the fines associated with littering and illegal dumping in order to stop the behavior.
Phase 3 of the campaign focused on highlighting “Hometown Heroes” who have taken action to improve and protect the environment of Prince George’s County. These influencers included local nonprofits, community leaders, students, families, and more. These targeted messages spread the word that every action, from local litter cleanups to county-wide education campaigns, have an impact on our County’s environment.