Each of us has a role when it comes to beautifying our County. Properly disposing of our trash, increasing recycling efforts, and improving air quality are a few ways we can preserve it for generations to come. Explore below to see how our green behaviors can make a difference.
Litter Reduction Efforts
This program establishes partnerships with individuals, non-profits, and municipalities and develops programs that will increase the tonnage of litter captured, removed and prevented in communities and waterways in Prince George’s County.
Recycling and Trash Collection
Prince George’s County works to improve our environment through our recycling programs and the effective management of trash, yard waste, household hazardous waste and bulky materials.
Tree Planting and Gardening
The Department of the Environment (DoE) makes it easy and affordable for you to plant trees and garden at home, at work, and in your community.
Air and Water Quality
In Prince George’s County, the two most important pollutants that threaten human health are ground-level ozone and particle pollution.