Help Us Keep Prince George’s County Beautiful
Let us know where we need to go with PGC 311, where you can ask questions and file requests online or by calling.
Litter and Illegal Dumping Pickup
Litter and debris are picked up along County-maintained roadways. If litter or debris is on private property, removal is the responsibility of the property owner. To report litter or illegal dumping, please call 3-1-1 or 301-883-4748.
The Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) performs pothole repairs on all County-maintained roadways. Roads that are identified by a route number (example MD Route 214, MD Route 450, MD Route 210, U.S. 1 to name a few) are the responsibility of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA). Call 301-952-0555 to report a pothole to SHA. To report a pothole on a County-maintained road, please call 3-1-1 or 301-883-4748.
Roadway Hazards
DPW&T responds to requests concerning potential hazardous locations as reported by citizens. If required, the locations will be made safe by means of installing temporary patches/repairs to the affected areas. These areas are added to the list of locations in need of permanent repairs. The repairs will be completed as funds become available. To report a potential hazard on the County rights-of-way, which involves sidewalks, curb and gutter, concrete apron, or uneven pavement surfaces, please call 3-1-1 or 301-883-4748 to submit a service request electronically. To request resurfacing or concrete replacement for entire streets or sidewalks in your subdivision, please call 3-1-1 or 301-883-4748.
Street Lights
DPW&T frequently receives requests for information about street lighting. The Street Lighting Section of the Department's Traffic Safety Division is responsible for installation in both developed and new areas.
Installation in Developed Areas
Requests for street lighting in developed areas of the County are investigated. Depending on the size of the area, it generally takes 30 to 60 days to perform a lighting needs study. If improvements are warranted, the County will initiate a street lighting project provided funding is available. Once a lighting project is initiated it generally takes one to two years to complete. The County does not consider street lighting requests for:
State-maintained roadways
Streets maintained by an incorporated town or municipality
Private streets
Requests for new or improved streetlights should be directed to our Street Lighting Section at 301-883-5650.
Street Light Repairs
Once streetlights are installed, they are maintained by the utility companies. As a result, burned-out or damaged streetlights should be reported to the utility company serving the area. This is usually the same company serving your home with electricity.
When calling the utility company to report a street light outage, be prepared to provide specific information: (e.g. in front of ___________; across the street from ____________; wood, metal or fiberglass pole, overhead or below ground service.). The utility companies prefer that residents report streetlight problems directly to their offices since residents are in a better position to provide necessary information. See the list of phone numbers below. Most repairs are performed within five days of notifying the utility company.
Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO)
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG&E)
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO)
Abandoned Vehicles
To report an abandoned vehicle, call 3-1-1 or email Abandonvehicle@co.pg.md.us
Abandoned vehicles enforcement & removal
In accordance with TR 25-201, the Abandoned Vehicle Unit of Prince George’s County serves the community by identifying and removing abandoned vehicles within the County. This includes any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that is left unattended for more than 48 hours, displaying expired or no registrations plates or is wrecked or dismantled (rendering it inoperable).
Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the last registered owners’ expense to Prince George’s County-based tow companies.
Roles & Responsibility
The County will remove abandoned vehicles from county roads and right of ways, as well as address parking violation complaints. County Code: 26-162 & 26-166 allows the County to impound abandoned vehicles and describe the requirement that must be met when doing so.
Residential Drainage Complaints
One of the responsibilities of the Sustainability Division (SD) is to respond to citizen complaints regarding drainage problems. Drainage complaints range in nature from property flooding to home flooding and include such concerns as erosion and problems associated with sump pump discharges. Groundwater-associated problems are investigated with remedial actions suggested for homeowners, along with the provision of a residential drainage manual.
SD investigates an average of 500 complaints a year, some of which evolve into corrective projects. Approximately 25 new drainage projects are initiated each year as a result of either homeowner complaints, referrals by other agencies, and requests by County Council Members. If you are experiencing drainage problems, call SD at 3-1-1 for assistance.
Snow & Ice Control
When a snow emergency is declared, DPW&T is responsible for providing “passable” conditions on a network of more than 1,900 miles of County-maintained roadways to ensure the safety of residents, citizens, and travelers.
Route Clearing Priorities
Routes are prioritized for service by the following categories: primary, secondary, and residential. Primary and secondary roads are serviced first to ensure that public safety and other emergency vehicles can travel. After completion of these roads, residential roads receive service. Crews work as long as necessary to clear roadways, which consists of salting, sanding, and/or plowing, as warranted by weather conditions.
To assist crews, citizens and residents are requested to:
Move and keep vehicles off snow emergency routes
Park in driveways or other off-road locations wherever possible
Park only on the even-numbered sides of roads/streets
It also is important for single-family homeowners/renters and business proprietors to remember that they are responsible for the removal of snow/ice from the sidewalks abutting their homes or businesses.
Reporting Road Concerns
During a snow and ice event, residents and citizens are asked to wait 24 hours, after the precipitation has stopped, to call 3-1-1 or 301-883-4748 to report emergencies or concerns about roadway conditions/snow removal.