You may have seen us around Prince George's County—in your town, neighborhood, or community. Prince George’s County is making some big changes to reduce litter, increase recycling, prevent illegal dumping, and more. With your help, we can create a cleaner, greener environment today and for future generations of Prince Georgians.
Give litter a lift.
Do you mind giving me a hand? I’m trying to get to that recycling bin over there. Now that I have served my purpose, it’s time for me to be properly disposed of so I can be turned into something new. It might mean you have to hang on to me for a bit longer, or walk a bit farther to the garbage cans, but I promise it’s worth the effort. Give me a lift, and prevent more litter in our county.
Litter is sad.
You could have recycled me—then I could have been used to make new products. Instead, I’m contributing to the litter problem in Prince George’s County. Hang on to your litter! Wait until you can properly dispose of us in a recycling or trash can. Doing so can cut down on the amount of money spent on clean-ups—money that could go to schools, parks, and programs.
Don’t forget me!
Wait up! Are you headed to the store? Don’t forget to bring me along—otherwise you might have to use a plastic bag. Plastic bags can be deadly to animals, and they break down into microplastics that end up in our food. Don’t contribute to the 100 billion plastic bags used in the United States each year—instead, grab me before you head to the store!
Being dumped sucks.
I get it—I served my purpose, and now our time together is done. But do you really have to dump me on the side of the road? Now I’m a community eyesore and a safety hazard!
Illegal dumping is a big issue in Prince George’s County, so instead of tossing me aside, learn how to properly (and easily) dispose of bulky trash like me. Find out how here.
Bigbelly receptacles make litter reduction easy.
Maybe you have seen us around the County. We look like normal trash cans—but we have some cool skills. With our solar powered compactors, we fit five times as much trash as other trash cans! When we’re full, we send a quick message to a local collection crew. This means less trash collection, saving the County money and cutting down on emissions. We bet you didn’t know trash cans could be that smart!