Waste Prevention Tips for Around Your Home
Waste prevention is the practice of eliminating waste before it is created–essentially, needing less material to get the job done. The benefits of waste prevention include reduced energy consumption and pollution, conservation of natural resources, extension of valuable landfill space, and substantial savings through reduced purchasing costs and disposal costs.
Purchase items in bulk or economy size.
Purchase items in reusable containers.
Purchase only those items that you need.
Purchase high-quality, long-lasting products.
Repair older items rather than purchasing new ones.
Use reusable shopping bags.
Use cloth towels, napkins and rags instead of disposable paper products.
Avoid using disposable cups, plates and cutlery.
Use rechargeable batteries whenever possible.
Return unwanted clothes hangers to the dry cleaners for reuse.
Donate unwanted or needed items (food, clothing, equipment, furniture, appliances) to charitable organizations.
Rent infrequently used tools or equipment.